Saturday, April 21, 2012

Reflecting on Learning

  • An explanation of your most passionate hope for your future as an early childhood professional and for the children and families with whom you work or will work.     
Having a child of my own started me on the path to pursuing a degree in early childhood education.  It was difficult for me to place my child in the care of strangers, when he first began daycare.  I ended up making bonds with the teachers and director of the program he attended.  This was amazing to me because I never imagined that the experience would result in a rich outcome of sharing my child’s growth with others.  Unfortunately this center closed after his first two years.  I then began thinking of the positive experiences that I had; which led my passion to create an environment where I can give those experiences back to families in my community, as I had received.  My most passionate hope as an early childhood professional is to provide a welcoming environment to all children and families where children can grow, learn, develop positive self-identities, and respect for others. 
  • A brief note of thanks to your colleagues.
I would like to say to all of my colleagues that I have greatly enjoyed this experience.  Even though we have not met in person I have gotten to know you all through our communication and appreciate your comments and feedback.  I would like to wish everyone the best and thank you for all of your professional expertise.