I put a lot of thought in to this weeks blog assignment trying to figure out what items are significant to my family culture, and are valuable in my life. The first item that I believe is a strong influential connection to my family culture is a scrap book containing recipes that my grandmother put together for her daughters. This book contains some favorite meals from my childhood. I would want to carry on the traditions derived from foods that my family has enjoyed for many years. This is relevant to me because that traditions such as having large family gatherings for meals have not continued in recent years within my family. I would like to learn some of these recipes and bring back the togetherness that once existed within our union.
The second item that I would want to take with me if is the picture book that contains photos from my childhood, in particular events that have been celebrated in my life - through college graduation. I believe that these pictures are a way of reflecting on memories and specail traditions that my family has held. My intention would be to carry out theses traditions once settled in a new country. Such cultural representations include vacations, holidays, sports events, and first days of school.
The third item that I would take is the diary that I kept during my high school and early college years. Although I haven't continued to write during most of my adult years, I occasionally look back to my entries to reflect on events and feelings that have occurred in my life and helped mold who I am today. When reading these old passages the feelings surrounding those memories come pouring back to me. Depending on the entry, I may even remember certain songs or cues that recollect feelings, taking me back to the moment.
If I had to choose between these three representations of my self and family I would be devastated. Anyone who knows me well understands that I hold on to things that I consider to have sentimental value, which turns out to be many items in my life. I'm not sure that any of these holds more value than the others. I believe that I would feel that my rights are being ripped away with unjust decisions forcing me to choose between my possessions that have been part of my life and hold considerable meaning. I would imagine that would lead to feelings of mistrust in a new surrounding where I am not a part of the dominant culture. Those feelings of mistrust may also lead to feelings that this new culture of people is not open or accepting of my culture.
This exercise has led me to think about people who are forced to leave their homes, communities, and counties to start a new life other that what the are used to living. They have to learn to adapt to cultural changes and follow new cultural expectations that are not similar to their own while trying to preserve their own. Whatever the reason for relocation and reformation of life, the result or feeling of emotions around these changes are common amongst all groups.