Saturday, November 26, 2011

communication similarities and differences

I was surprised at listening styles profile score, according to my co-worker. When I took the test my score for my self was in group 1. Meaning that I am empathetic and concerned with the emotions of others. My husband also scored me in the same group. My co worker however, Scored me in group 2. Meaning that I am “business-like” and my efficiency may intimidate more sensitive listeners. Thinking about this, I suppose that when I am at work I present and communicate differently with my coworkers than with friends or family. I also communicate and present differently with my clients. It is almost as if I categorize my relationships and how I interact within those relationships. I have always been self aware of this but perhaps not to the extent that I needed to be. I would have expect my coworker to also see me as an empathetic listener.

This week I discovered that my past experiences greatly influence the way in which I communicate. I believe these influences have to do with mindlessness and reactions to schemas that I have formed from past interactions.

I also discovered that I subconsciously use self monitoring when interacting with others. I find myself reading cues and knowing how to present myself in situations according to the environment.

I believe that both of these qualities balance my interaction and communication with others. I feel that having a balance of past interaction and present relativity will be helpful when working with children and families.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Cultural Diversity and Communication

Communication is the process of which individuals use symbols, signs, and behaviors to exchange information (O'Hair & Weimann, 2009). We use communication to begin, maintain, and end relationships. The interactive relationships that I have developed in my life consist of family, friends, and colleagues. Each of these relationships are important but different in how I use communication exchanges. Naturally my family and most of my friends share similarities of cultural aspects, i.e. race, religion, marital status, and interest, and lifestyle. In my work place I interact with a much more culturally diverse group, and I must be mindful of this factor which influences communication. One such factor is the diversity amongst my self, clients, and other employees. Diversity can create potential misunderstandings or conflict stemming from the way we each individually make sense out of the world (Beebe, Beebe, & Redmond, 2011). I believe that I do find my self communicating differently in the work environment because of the variations in age, gender, sexual orientation , ethnicity, and intellectual ability. This is partly because I have learned to adapt to others and the environment according to the context of the relationship. For example when speaking with my clients who are developmentally disabled, I make sure I use appropriate language that meets their level of comprehension. At times I may also rely on pictures when communicating with an individual who is non verbal. Another example of adaptive communication in the work place is the way I communicate with other colleagues. I have closer relationships with some of my colleagues opposed to others. I find that when communicating with those I am closer to, I may share my personal opinion of topic that is non therapeutic and based on my background and upbringing. However, when communicating with a colleague who I do not have a close personal relationship with I generally give input based on therapeutic practices and what is generally acceptable to say in the situation. I believe this is because there are different levels of comfort.  Those I am closer to, I automatically know that they understand and accept me so I am comfortable displaying my self. Those I am not close to, I do not want to judge me out side of my professional abilities.

O’Hair, D. & Wiemann, M. (2009). Real communication: An introduction. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Redmond, M. V. (2011). Interpersonal communication: Relating to others (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Chapter 4, "Interpersonal Communication and Diversity: Adapting to Others" (pp. 85–114)Copyright 2011 by Allyn & Bacon, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Allyn & Bacon, Inc., via the Copyright Clearance Center.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


The office:

This is a show that I have only seen previews for and not sure what plot it is actually based on. 

No audio:

In the episode there is a man who seems to be the leader and perhaps the boss.  Another man who is overweight seems to be portrayed as lazy because of his size and lack of attention in the meeting.   The “boss” who is leading the meeting uses cues such as nonverbal gestures i.e. pointing, and large hand movements.  He appears to demand control and dislike challenges. 

(This is an advertising company.  The meeting is about directions to the office garden party.  The boss is instructing his employees on eating and proper etiquette for the party.  Even though the overweight man is does not appear to be paying attention, he asked a question that pertains to the party. )

No audio:

In the lunch room there are two ladies.  One is pregnant.  They are having a conversation.  One of them looks surprised as if she is discovering new information.  I would assume from this scene that the ladies are gossiping about someone in the office.

(Both of the ladies are pregnant and discussing pregnancy topics.  One of them becomes surprised when the other reveals the name of the baby which turns out to be the same for both.)

No audio:

There is a party held outside of work.  The office workers attend the party with spouses.  They appear to be making attempts to impress someone who may be a large business investor or maybe the person who the party is in honor of.  The boss of the office is very disappointed in what transpired at the party, though several comedic unprofessional events. 

(They party is in attempt to impress the CEO and ultimately the boss’s parents. The boss’s official title is regional manager and he is seeking the same acceptance as his brother receives from their parents.  The man whom he seems to be seeking the most attention from is his dad.  Without Audio I thought the man was his Boss.)   

No audio:

Also there seems to be a competitive nature between the women in the earlier scene in the lunch room.  I would assume they are competing for credit.  Following this others in the room begin competing for attention while making speeches.  The tone of the room appears that the behavior has become embarrassing; however, everyone begins to join in and smile.  This indicates that they are enjoying the moments.   

(The ladies continue to compete over the name of their child.  The CEO gives a speech that discredits the boss and himself and uplifts the employees followed by the dad’s duet with the son.  This allows the son to feel the acceptance he’s been looking for until the other brother joins their dad in song.  The facial expression of the boss (son) is disappointed and he runs off.  Without audio I assumed he was upset about the antics of the employees at the office while everyone els appeared happy.)

It was very different watching with audio.  I was able to put together the verbal and nonverbal cues to understand the interactions with the characters.  Without audio I had to use assumptions based on non verbal cues only which made my assumptions only partly accurate.  I believe that I would have been more accurate in my assumptions if this were a show that I had known well.  This is because I would know who the characters are and their personalities.   Although, I do not believe that I could be completely accurate without the verbal cues and context of communication.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

competent communication

The person I feel who demonstrates effective communication is a psychiatrist that I have known for 6 years.  We work together in a community mental health program.   The reason I believe this Dr. displays excellent communication is because she thoroughly explains herself when discussing symptoms or behaviors related to mental health.   She also thoroughly explains medications used for treating those mental health symptoms.  Though discussion, the Dr. has shared with me her desire to teach others information and that her primary goal is to help people in any way she can.  Not only does she share information but she is open to others opinions and supports a team approach to treatment.   There are other Dr.’s in the program I work for, who I feel carry a certain ideal of supremacy, arrogance, and entitlement.   I find her to be the exact opposite and in fact she is very flexible and open minded.  O’Hair and Wiemann (2009) declare, communication is appropriate when it meets the expectations of the communication partner.   It is evident that the Dr. meets the needs of those she is communicating with.    I feel that the Dr.’s approach to communication would also be useful in the early childhood field.   Educators need to be open and flexible especially when communicating and collaborating with diverse families.  It is also important to show respect to colleagues and accepting of their opinions as well.

 O’Hair, D., & Wiemann, M. (2009). Real communication: An introduction. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s.