I was surprised at listening styles profile score, according to my co-worker. When I took the test my score for my self was in group 1. Meaning that I am empathetic and concerned with the emotions of others. My husband also scored me in the same group. My co worker however, Scored me in group 2. Meaning that I am “business-like” and my efficiency may intimidate more sensitive listeners. Thinking about this, I suppose that when I am at work I present and communicate differently with my coworkers than with friends or family. I also communicate and present differently with my clients. It is almost as if I categorize my relationships and how I interact within those relationships. I have always been self aware of this but perhaps not to the extent that I needed to be. I would have expect my coworker to also see me as an empathetic listener.
This week I discovered that my past experiences greatly influence the way in which I communicate. I believe these influences have to do with mindlessness and reactions to schemas that I have formed from past interactions.
I also discovered that I subconsciously use self monitoring when interacting with others. I find myself reading cues and knowing how to present myself in situations according to the environment.
I believe that both of these qualities balance my interaction and communication with others. I feel that having a balance of past interaction and present relativity will be helpful when working with children and families.