Since I have had challenges connecting with an international early childhood professional, I chose to complete the alternate assignment for this blog. I did receive a response from a New Zeland contact of the UNICEF, but unfortunately she was unable to assist me in this assignment. She did forward an email of a hopeful prospective contact at the New Zeland College of Early Childhood Education, but so far I have had no luck making this connection. For this blog assignment I would like to analyze the early childhood systems of the Global Children's Initiative, developed at Harvard University. There are three objectives to this program: 1. Educating high level decision makers about the science behind children's learning, behavior, and health. 2. The support of research about healthy development and living. 3. Build leadership in child development research and contribute to the global movement (Harvard Edu). These objectives have led to three domains of this of this initiative; early childhood development; mental health; and children in crisis and conflict situations. Focusing on these domains has allowed collaborative efforts of projects moving beyond the Harvard community of faculty and students. I appreciate that The initiative also highlights Mental Health as an area of needed focus. The mental health condition of a child also directly effects children physically and developmentally. I believe that sometimes we forget the importance of “the state of mind” and the societal factors that lead to mental health decompensation.
One such program supported by this initiative is Un Buen Comienzo (UBC), “A Good Start,” is a collaborative project in Santiago, Chile. This project took flight in 2007 in four locations and has grown with expectation to encounter 60 schools with an approximate two year intervention plan (Harvard Edu). The focus of this particular program is to improve the professional development of teachers in early childhood education. This program focuses on the education of children ages 4-6. It is designed to target various capacities, keeping in mind a holistic approach. Some such capacities in socioeconomic development, health, school attendance, and family involvement (Harvard Edu). I am amazed and inspired by the work of this organization and the leadership that they have provided to communities such as Santiago, Chile. They are bringing awareness of researched material and the effects of poverty in children's development in to areas that are suffering from generations of hardship. Very importantly, this organization is also dedicated to making a difference globally in changing policy and providing leadership training, for the benefit of the future of all children.